im sorry. i told you all i was going to post again super soon.
i didnt.
my bad.
so anyways, i dont really have much to say.
thats actually a lie. so first off, im just waiting for his mission call! its so crazy that just a few people get to decide where i go for 2 years of my life! crazy. but most likley i will get it on christmas eve! how cool is that?! i am super excited.
i love snow. more than kids love santa, and anthony loves batman. really, its the best stuff in all the land! and yesterday on the radio they said we were supposed to get 4-6 MORE inches. all it has done today is been warm enough for the snow to melt and snowed barely enought to stick to my car. booo.
so good news. my little nephew and fam are coming in town tomorrow morning!! hallajluah! to see them go to their blog! they are under my friends as april danny mason or something like that...
my phone broke. im very sad about this. why couldent it have just waited till right before my mission? instead of a few months before it. lame! but my dad got the new blackberry storm from work, and heather got it from santa early, and so i got my dads old motorola Q. it is ok, but it has the WORST battery life ever. i was on pandora for like 1 hour and the batt was almost dead already.
so currently i am at my place of employment, looking out at the shop, seeing how i need to clean the floors. but im blogging instead. haha, ill get it done. but probably not till the last second.
i really wanna go to the peter breinholt concert, but i dunno if i can. it is at 730, i get off work at 7, but...i doubt there are tickets left and i have no one to go with. oh well i guess.
and i am aware this is a lame post. get over it. haha
oh, and im going to marry taylor swift. she doesnt know it yet, but she will....she will....
Monday, December 22, 2008
Because Every Pretty Girl Deserves To Go To A Ball....
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Absolutley Zero
so i usually hate these, but i read someones and it was super funny. so ill give it a shot.
1. Put your iPod or other music player on shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer. The Name of the song is your answer!
4. Tag 15 friends who might enjoy doing this as well as the person you got this from.
Last Living Souls
Hamoa Beach
Did you get my message?
Won't go home without you
The Great Divide
8.WHAT IS 2+2?
No son of mine
Gypsies in the palace
Dreams come true
Redneck Rhythm & Blues
Lovers Live Longer (haha!)
A Home
And She's True
You Win, I Win, We Lose
Two Days in February
The Dutch Courage
Running out of days
With or without you
Do i have to say the Words?
National Working Womans Holiday
Tiny Daggers
Not A Moment too soon
ok, so some worked super well, and some are just dumb. haha.
well, ill do a real post tonight, i have a few things i wanna blog'bout. but i have to go clean the house, my sis and her best friend are comin in town tomorrow night!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
And Maybe.....Well, I Dont Know.....
Now playing: Citizen Cope - Brother Lee
via FoxyTunes
ok guys, here i am like i promised! so i seriously need to blog more. i feel lame if i dont. so i will try to.
so good i haven't even started, and i dont even know what to talk about.....
well, Christan bennett is finally starting up his bluegrass band, which freakin excites me like you can imagine. being in a bluegrass band is like....a dream come true! hahaha. so i am very pumped for that!
Now playing: The Weepies - Dating A Porn Star
via FoxyTunes
ok, random pet peeve i just realized. its something ppl have started doing, as in girls. pretty much making at least one word in every sentence a completely crazy color. ahhhh! i dunno why it bugs me, but i would think it would be a huge pain to do, and it makes me forget what im reading, and sometimes its a color that blends with the background and you just have no idea what it says. its a bummer.
so i saw the dark knight for a second time a fes days ago with good ole' chloe. man that movie is so freakin incredible. it was for sure better the 2nd time! oh, and we watched juno again, and that definatly ranks up very high in my favorite movies.
so i am going to provo on saturday to visit bekah and the rest of the provo people, so if any of you would like to come, gimme a jingle and your in! ill take the space van, so i can take 6 others. lemme know!
so i am obsessed completely with peter breinholt. if you dont know him, i pity you. oh my, he is so incredible, i just....could never sick of him! so amazing! so you all have an assignment, to go and listen to him. he has a few songs on youtube, go look at'em.
Now playing: Peter Breinholt - Birken Street
via FoxyTunes
oh, and random, but one of my favorite christmas songs i have found is "bring a torch jeannette isabella". i dunno why, but peter breinholt sang it on his christmas cd, and it is so incredible, and has made me fall in love with that song.
so, this has so far been a very lame post.
im truly sorry.
this is how lame i am.
i was going to tell you all a story, but i dont really want to. i am bad at typing on my keyboard. ya know? this is just one keyboard i am not so good at. anywho, i am just going to tell you all the story of bopalopaskiwhompsado, a story that i told sam in like....8th grade. its quite a masterpiece.
one time, there was a sqwirl ( love the spelling). this sqwirls name was bopalapaskiwhampsado. one day, he was hang gliding. he was just about to go for a second flight, when he saw an hippo that was just about to jump off to hang glide aslo, but his glider was smaller than bopalapaskiwhampsado's!!!! so bopalapaskiwhampsado ran as fast as he could to stop him, but he was too late. bopalapaskiwhampsado jumped after him, determined to save the poor hippo. the hippos glider ripped apart, and he started to scream! bopalapaskiwhampsado used the force, and lifted the hippo back to saftey. but right then, bopalapaskiwhampsado relized that he didnt have the force, nor did anyone, so the hippo started to fall again! he didnt know how he lifted him how far he did, but bopalapaskiwhampsado went into a steep dive to catch up with the hippo. when he got there, he relized it was his mom, just disgised in a helium filled hippo suit, and she was sreaming because she broke a nail on the bar she was holding on to. so after that whole catastrophe, bopalapaskiwhampsado was very mad at his mom for wasting a jump for her. so got he back to the top, and jumped. he was soring through the sky, when he got hit by lightnig, and went tumbling towards the ground. this confused bopalapaskiwhampsado becuase they lives on planet shmerp where clouds, let alone lightning, did not exsit. once he relized this, he started to fly again after the non-exsistant lightning had struck him, who knows why. after all of the confusion, he hadent been paying attention, so hit a flying pig, and fell to the ground. he ran home to tell his mom what a day he had, but then relized that his mom was out hangliding, and probably had seen his day. so he went to go tell his best friend peachakingabellafeenabopalopsk
tomorow, i will tell you all a new original story. but no promise it will be good....haha.
Now playing: Peter Breinholt - A Call I Hear
via FoxyTunes
um....what else to say....i dunno, but as promised, another grand poem...haha
i wrote this one on the bus ride home from trek many a years ago.
hold the secrets of our past
to our begining
and their bitter end
these pioneer plains they suffered in
with few belongings and little food
they left with little handcarts
off to Zion
not knowing where
the endless plains would lead them
the journy was long and nearly futile
yet they held their heads high and pushed along
hundreds sick
many dead
the relentless plains cant take them
they reached their goal
with strong hearts and minds
well worth their perseverance
oh, and i liked the idea of the random fact.
so here is one of mine
i LOVE blueberries. fresh blueberries are probably my favorite food of all time. they make me weep with joy. hahaha. i love them oh oh so much! so if you want to make me a very happy person, fresh blueberries are the way to go. or kumqwats. haha
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
wow, now that we are going to have a pretend president, i must say....
im leaving the country.
ok, so not really, but now i wanna go outta state for my mission oh oh so much more. i mean, the man scares me. really.
oh i feel the change in the air. its all around. i feel the change, and it is making me want to cry in a corner.
Change is all we will have once obama is though. and man do i hate pennies.
ok, maybe im being harsh. i mean, i really hate it when our country spends more time hating against our leader instead of actually doing something to change what they dislike. when they all just hate on the president, and then sit there hoping it will change. so i will support him, but i sure wont agree with him.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Im a Republican, because not everyone can be on WELFARE
more on my title later. i saw it on a bumper sticker, and liked it...
ok. well i know, i was doin pretty good at updating, but then that last post made me wait to update, cuz i wanted to see how many comments it would get....hahah
so about that, i did NOT write that post. i was logged onto blogger at anthonys house and he wrote it. so i hope that clears up a few things...
ok, so i wanna write a song. really bad. but i have a problem, i cant really play the guitar or banjo well enough to be able to sing along at the same time. so ill just kinda sing something to myself in my head. so i stayed up late like 2 weeks ago, and i had some pretty awsome lyrics goin down, and good tune and all. but wait! i realized halfway through, that i was pretty much singing "chicken fried" by the zac brown band with different lyrics and a slightly different beat. so that was sad. so ill keep workin on it and update you as i go along. i wish i was like alec, who can write an awsome song on a whim...any of you out there in blogger land that have ever written a song, what works best for you?
so shippy is gone. and i didnt get to say goodbye....tear
but, grahamn is here!! yes!! man i have missed that kid. good times with him. if you dont know grahamn, try harder! he is incredible.
ok, so not much has happend since my last post. i did go to Tennessee finnally tho! and it was incredible. ill do a post on that later with photos and all.
so the song bowl of oranges just came on my shuffle. and wow, i forgot how much i love this song. its by bright eyes for those who dont know, and if you dont then go and look it up!! but this song....wowsa, it brings back so many memories. of highschool, jocelyn (it was on a mix of hers), christmas, and a certain bus ride to a swim meet. oh man, good times. go listen to this song, its so happy and good.
so i taught myself taylor swifts love story on the banjo. so ladies, if you ever wanna sing it, i got your back.
so for all those who love a good laugh, my house, monday sometime, we are going to watch hot rod or maybe juno. so tell me if you wanna come. i just may have some pizza too....might....
oh movies. for all those who enjoyed juno, i HIGHLY recomend Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist! i thought it was freakin incredible. about some kids looking for their drunk friend that wandered away in the heart of new york, while they try to find fluffy, an incredible hard to find band. so so so so so good.
ok, no a shout out. to audrey rotormund (spelling? sorry...) haha, but i got an honesty box comment, and i think it came in august sometime, and my facebook didnt tell till like monday, and they said " i dunno if audrey wanted you to know, but you should really go and read her last post" and the person has not responded to me after that. so i am really confused. audrey, any help on this would be awsome....haha
so guess what. i think this is one of the few times that i really, truely, and 100% do not like anyone. crazy. this hasnt happend for quite sometime!! and lemme say, its odd, cuz i freakin LOVE it, but at the same time i really hate it, i like liking someone also. but its good, now i dont have to deal with denial again....and again....and again....haha. oh well, i guess its a good thing but i dunno.
just kidding. i have a huge crush on taylor swift. hahah. not like thats new....man she is so attractive....
so jas just got her wisdom teeth out. good times. im going to bring her a chocolaty minty shake from shivers, cuz thats the thing that she wanted!
so if you didnt notice, my facebook profile picture is of bridgit. its funny.
so i also noticed that all of my paragraphs...no, all of my Points of interest start with "so"
anywho, i just lost the game. but on a lighter note, i again want you all to go to my sisters blog, its the second link under my friends, and look at how freakin cute my nephew is.
so on a final note, ill be like anthony, and say something that alot of people will disagree with...
so in tennessee, my sister heather was in some crazy politics class of somesort, and she was arguing with her BF about socilized medicine ( she did a paper on it) , like obama wants. in like canada and france and stuff, their income tax, because of the socilized medicine, is 80%!! thats right folks, 80 freakin % of your total income. and ya, it probably wouldent be that knarly with obama, but still, tax is the only way to pay for things like that. and people just love taxes. second, in canada where they have socilized medicine, a man went to the emergency room for some knarly pain in his abdomen, and he wasnt deemed inportant enough, and died from a bladder infection after waiting in the EMERGENCY room for 34 HOURS! by the time they had seen him, he was dead and rigor mortis had already set in. wowsa. see the story here. they take people as they come, and doctors will not get paid NEARLY as much money, and they will have a regular work schedule. its just not good at all.
so in short, its not that i just dont like obama, but i truley am scared that he will win. SCARED. and he says you can keep your current health care plan if you like it. but thats not gong to chage what it will be like at the hospital or doctors or whatever. and i will still have to pay for everyone elses healthcare, which i really dont want to do, because we are already paying for the lazy craps that are living on welfare.
im done! until next time kids!
and as promised, another poem, but sadly im outta my good ones...haha
Conflicting Emotions
a beautiful girl in an ugly world
lost amiss the chaos
wanting so bad someone
she can confide in
but conflicting emotions
will never let her go
she stumbles through a haze
of memories and desires
unable to discern what
path may lie ahead
now only time will tell
what love this chaos can bring
Sunday, September 21, 2008
It Finally Happened- My first kiss
So, here we have it. A step-by-step illustrated Guide to Kissing, How to Kiss and the 'Perfect Kiss!'
The first step to the perfect kiss is the hardest - and unfortunately, there's no picture that can help you out there.
That first step is finding the right person to kiss!
Now, if you've arrived at the point where you feel you're ready to kiss (or be kissed by) that special someone, hopefully things have gone well up until now. It always helps to be yourself around others, so that you feel more comfortable with the other person, and don't feel as nervous or feel like you have to put on an 'act.' The more comfortable you feel together when you're just hanging out, the easier that first kiss should be, no matter how little experience you have.
If you follow the kissing instructions in the kissing photos above and you have the right partner, things should go well!
From here on out, your 'flights' will just get easier!
Good luck and happy kissing!
Also, like kristin i too have decided to run away from my problems and move to the crime ridden city of new york so that my problems will be consumed in drugs and sex and carelessness.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Sad Fish
ok, so im actually updating again! woot! hahaha, i would have done so yesterday, but i was in bear lake, so i apologize.
so first off, a shout out to jocelyn. she introduced me to a band called Gomez. they have a song called how we operate and it had a banjo in it, so she thought i would like it. and she was right!! oh my goodness, i looked them up on myspace, and proceded to get ahold of everything that i could of them. i love them so much!!! so joce, i thank you!!
Now playing: Gomez - Hamoa Beach
now, on to the story of the week. tennessee. YAY!! so on october 7th, i am going to visit heather in tennessee! then we decided to go and visit nashville while i am there, and well, i LOVE nashville, thats like....my city! music city! the heart of everything country!! so happy. then we are going to ashville to visit the hortons, whom heather knows from vollyball! then, to make it even better (ya, i didnt think it could get any better either), mr horton says, " hey, how bout i take brady on a motorcycle ride down the blue ridge parkway?!". when i heard this, i almost pee'd i was so excited. i knew they had two of my dream bikes. BMW R1200 Sport Touring bikes. then heather said, they dont have those bikes anymore. i thought, ok, thats cool, it will still be awsome! then she said, they have ducati's. wow, if there was an pee left, it just escaped then. i just found out they have a ducati sport classic 1000 and a suzuki 650. i can pretty much guarentee i will not be driving the ducati. for those who dont know, ducati is like the fer
arri of motorcycles.so yes, i am very excited! oh man, i cant even tell you my excitement!
ok, so me and my padre went to the hometown diner place in bear lake before we came home (only place open on sundays) and the announcer girl, was super attractive. yep.
ok, not much else to say sadly.....hahah ok so here is a poem i wrote in first period health class soph year. its just a joke poem.
First Period
staring at nothing in particular
as the clock meanders along
my eyes start to droop
and my head slowly falls
then suddenly jerks up again
it finally overtakes me
and my head hits the desk
with a soft "thump"
as soon as it started,
it seams at an end
as the bell rings loudly
i slowly rise, and leave the class
on my way to second period
ok, and now a real one...hahaha
writing this particualr poem is what really got me into writing poetry. it was really the first one i ever wrote. we got to school and it was uber foggy, so fuches had us write a poem about it.
The Ready Storm
fog comes in as a ready storm
silent and cold
it stands all alone
it flows through the night
moving with care
waiting to pounce
but no one is there
just watching, and waiting
it knows patience well
awaiting a victim
in a white trail of mist
the sun slowley rises
a new day begins
the fog slowley moves
away in the west
running from light
and looking for life
the story repeats
all over again
peace out kiddies!!!
oh, and tell me what you think about "the ballad of brady: a tale of courage"'s new layout!!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
I Am Easily Make Belive
so...all i have to say is im sorry. in oh so many ways. first off, sorry that i am so lame at blogging. i know i never update, and y'all are prolly really tired of chekin and seeing "he died instantly....the next day" so i am sorry about that. i know i have been pretty bad. i honestly am goin to try to do better. i know i have said that alot, but really this time. but my life really aint that exciting, so i just might have a ton of uber lame posts. but hey, thats me. hah
ok, one more apology and we'll get the the fun times with brady. but this is to alex. so i know that you have been goin through some hard times lately, and im sorry i have kinda been really distant and such, i just have been uber confused with a few things, and so i am sorry that i was not the nicest person of all time, and that you really are pretty much my best friend ever, and you know i would give the world to you if i could. so ya.
ok, now to the fun and exciting brady that we have all come to know and love. first, this is going to be a good month. sept 22, heroes and chuck. the 23rd, NCIS. that is very good news. and other than that, i dont really have much else to say. so....ill try to entertain you for awhile longer.
oh, so funny story. i went to higland to visit jon, kev, and meet the mystery sydney. so i was wearing my awsome purple shirt and driving murphy, for those who dont know murphy, my little tiny honda motorcycle thing. lemme tell ya, all the dudes who think they are just too cool for school and that everyone is beneath them and such, they just were havin the time of their lives yellin at me, sayin "hey faggot", "im not gay!" and things like that. if i hadent been waiting for kevin, i can assure you i would have gone up to them and given them a little talk....haha. i used to be super sensitive like that, and shy. but now, i would have no problem at all goin up and havin a little fun with them, but anywho. thats for another day. haha.
uhm....i am obsessed with a new song, that i used to not like to much, cuz it was kinda slow, and weird. but a few days ago, it randomly got stuck in my head and i went to listen to it, and BAM! im obsessed. its by sufjan stevens, and its called "John Wayne Gacy Jr". if ya didnt know, John wayne gacy jr is also known at the killer clown(because he dressed up as a clown and was an entertainer for awhile), and is a creep. he was a creepy serial killer who went after little boys....*shutter*. but although the song is like an account of the creep, its so so so incredible. omgoodnes i love it.
i have a plan
lemme tell you random things about you, many things you will know, many you may not.
i love folk and country music. anthony, i am glad you have discovered gary jules, i love the man. my fave song of his is called "witchita" and i love it dearly.
BMW>The world
i have alot of moles
when i was little, i wanted to be a bumblebee
i do NOT want to be a bumblebee anymore
i wanna be chuck norris.
i am already kinda bored of this game.
to be continued.
ok, so if any of you want to see my nephew, who just happens to be the cutest little guy of all time, click on here or on the April*Danny*Mason link under my friends. oh my goodness, so cute!!
so more on my life. so i think before my mish, i might work up at solitude! i am quite excited, i have my interview in a week, and well....i think ill get it, cuz they replied to me in like....10 hours or something. but i am excited.
crazy, that crazy happy song joce put on her blog? well, the same artist just came up on pandora, and wow, it is also really happy and good! i have never heard of them before....
Now playing: Belle & Sebastian - Wrapped Up In Books
via FoxyTunes
its good! anywho, i want this to be a long post, hence the ramblings. but right now, it feels really long, but i know that when i post it, i will be terribly disapointed. oh, i have a plan again!
so from now on, i am going to post at the end, one of the poems that i have written, and i want some feedback people!!
lets make a deal, the more feedback,
the more blog updates. sounds like a fair trade.
that will be fun, and it will help me write more. i really love writing poetry, its just so....calming, and stress realiving and such, and can help you express how your feeling. so dont even worry, some i have only shown to the person whom it was for, or i have shown it to no one. so that will be an adventrue.
you may be wondering, how i got to poetry from complaing about how short my blog is. well, i shall tell you. i was listening to a spill canvas song in alex's car tonight, and its a song we all know and love, because its spill canvas. (if you didnt know, i honestly belive spill canvas is by far the best band of all time, and they are absolutly incredible. i do not think that it is possible for me to love any band more). but its a song that has always made me think of jocelyn, and all that we have gone through. its called "all over you". it goes as follows:
yeah he's a looker but i really think it's guts that matter most
i displayed them for you
strung out about from coast to coast
i am easily make believe
just dress me up in what you want me to be
i'll take back what i've been saying
for quite some time now
i've gotta feel you in my bones again
i'm all over you
i'm not over you
i wanna taste you one more time again
i'm all over you.
i'm not over you
in my daydreams, in my sleep
infatuation turning into disease
you could cure me, see all you have to do now is please try
give it your best shot and try
all i'm asking for is love
but you never seem to have enough
i've gotta feel you in my bones again
i'm all over you
i'm not over you
i wanna taste you one more time again
i'm all over you
i'm not over you
this life is way too short to get caught up in all this stuff when i just want you to love me back
why can't you just love me back
why can't you just love me back
(why can't you, why can't you)
why can't you just love me back
(why can't you, why can't you)
why can't you just love me back
(why can't you, why can't you just love)
i've gotta feel you in my bones again
i'm all over you
i'm not over you
i wanna taste you one more time again
(just one more time)
this life is way too short to get caught up and all mixed up when i just want you to love me back
why cant you just love me back
why won't you just love me back
why can't you just love me back
and well....lets just say, that it fit how i felt almosts perfectly, especially when she got together with alec not even a week after she shut me down cuz she was so against high school relationships....so that song will forever make me thing of her. still, how did i get to poetry? well, i dunno, i was just thinkin of spill canvas, to that song, to joce, to a poem i wrote for her long long ago. it will be awkward, but i will post that one today.
next on the docket, me and the girlies. but first, another awsome song that came on pandora!!!
Now playing: Reality Addiction - Close To You
via FoxyTunes
for those who dont know reality addiction, change that. now. go to their myspace page. and listen to them. they are super incredible.
back on track. me and the ladies. do not exist. so from my last post i think, the random girl that i thought may like me and such, i take that all back. you see, i kinda thought that alexhad liked me, and i had recently stopped likin her for who knows why, and i was just uber confused on how i felt about her, and what i did or didnt want to happen, so i was just a little stirred up. anywho, im all good. but still confused. i dunno why im not crushin on her anymore, but i fell like i should for some reason. i dunno.
there really isnt anyone that i like, and it makes me sad, cuz i want to. i seriously just wanna find a whole new bunch of people to hang out with as to start anew with the ladies. not to say that i would abandon everyone, but y'all know what i mean.
so im sad i didnt go to magna. right now shipp and anton are fighing off the knarly wild beasts from magna. i cant imagine the epic-ness of it all. jealousy. but i had work, and such.
ok, well dunno what else to say, so i guess i will just have to stop delaying it, and justs post this poem. a forewarning. it seriously gives Kraft mac-n-cheese a run for its money in being "the cheesiest!!" cuz really guys, its so cheesey. welp, here it goes.
its called, "The Joy of Life"......as i said, its ALREADY uber cheesball.
he stays up late thinking about her smile
and the way she dances in the rain
she has so much to give,
yet he has little in return.
he wants to be her shoulder when she cries
and her joy in everything else.
she's just a dream come true,
and the joy of his life
nothing better could come
but this feeling returned,
in a quiet serenity not shown to the world
its not a feeling just felt
to be lost and ignored,
but should be shared with each other
and cherished forever
so there ya go. i guess ill post one more, to try and uncheese my blog.
this is what i think is my best one, i wrote it in 8th grade, called "If Time Stops"
what if time stops
and all that is, was
and will be
will stay that way
no more broken
hearted children
or lost and shatterd dreams
no emotions to be had
of jealosy, love
hope, happiness and despair
no lives will be taken
nor new ones be made
all shall live on forever
in darkness and light
with no one to run to
they think all will end soon
for they are much mistaken
for all that was to be
will no longer live free
well there ya have it kiddies, until tommorow!
Now playing: Tabitha's Secret - 3AM (Acoustic Remix)
via FoxyTunes
Friday, August 22, 2008
He Died Instantly....The Next Day
ok, first off, i remember my important blurb from last time. it goes as follows. JEEZ people, our lives arent ending, so quit acting like it! i am super freakin tired of hearing everyone whine about what is going to happen now that people are going to college. its not like everyone is saying, "bye, im off to colledge, never will see you again, have fun!" or, "im going to collegd so my life is going to be turned upside down and i will never be the same again". seriously? i mean, everyone just keeps freakin out about things that are not needin to be freaked out about. savvy? so the next person who freaks about their life as they know it coming to an end and that they have to be a new person, OH MY GOODNESS, its just a bigger school in a new place. maybe a smaller school. did y'all freak when you went to highschool?! ok, maybe a little bit nervous, which i understand 100%, but right now, the only person to have ANY real reason to be on the edge of a heart attack its shippy. i mean, his life really IS changing for the next two years as he goes to do nothing else but serve the lord in hawaii on his mission. so shippy, freak out as you may. everyone else, suck it up and dont be such babys!!!
ok, now thats off my chest, i have one more thing that i must say, that i feel deeply about. that is, 9 square. oh my goodness this is probably the greatest game ever. so everyone should play whenever they can. woot.
and amending my last post, i must say that i do think i know of someone that likes me, which is a toatl bummer, cuz if im right i just stopped likin' em. so....i dunno what to do.
*adding to the 9 square paragraph, we have more way to play that we did tonight. spinning, and get really dizzy before you play; random, and bird calls. random is prolly the funniest thing. ever.
anywho, on to my life again. so i am obsessed with NCIS, and i have been watching it on my ipod for the last day or 2, and was up till 4 last night watchin it on my little emma. so that pretty cool.
so i just relized something. i dont think my personallity is really showing in my blog, or am i just crazy? i mean, i am actually compleating sentances (with terrible grammer and worthless spelling i admit) and not telling really lame jokes, and being the hillarious goof i am. true, or not so true?
*have fun being married to SATAN!!*
maybe throwin in some random hot rod quotes will help?
yes, i think so.
omgoodness! ok, this will be fun. typing on random parts of the screen
joy. so ill start here now. im i helping my predicament
now? because i
am unsure. i hope this is hard to read
it either. so i sympathize with you. or who knows, maybe you have just stopped reading by now. cuz i am totally just rambling now. oh, and spell check soooo doesnt work on blogger. cuz even this:
is not spelled wrong. knarly. or is it gnarly? ok, im dumb. after typing them, i know.
so i met this new girl. well, not met, but im not sure of this. lemme explain.
so we were at kristins cabin, and i was lookin thro my contacts and came across sydney. i had NO clue who this person was. so i texted them. and as i am typing this, i vaguly remember saying this in my last post....if not, then i will continue my story in my next post. anywho, long story short, i will beat her in the duel.
ok, on to a new subject. which i will have for you tommorow.
oh, and in honor of hot rod.....**
I used to be legit. I was too legit. I was too legit to quit. but now I'm not legit. I'm unlegit. And for that reason, I must quit.
So one afternoon, he set out to jump ten milk trucks. He nailed the take-off, but when he landed, something terrible happened. His front tire exploded like a cannonball, and his handle bars went straight through his head. Blood was everywhere. His teeth were ground down to a powder, and the front of his face exploded out the back of his skull. He died instantly... the next day.
byebye now!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
So, first off, to all those who have left a memory, yours is coming. soon. i havent had time to really blog so i apologize.
Second, i have no idea what to talk about. my life is boring. haha. So i have rekindled my love for Goo Goo Dolls, i dunno why i like them so much, but man alive i just love their music so much! same with Nine Days, vertical horizon, and matchbox 20. so good. anywho, i was reading anthonys blog, looking at how excited he, and others are for the upcoming movie, Watchmen. lemme say this, yes, i do think that it looks super good. but, i love the visual aspects of movies, and from what i have seen in the trailers, i think the visuals are a little sub-par. that it looks pretty cheesy in that aspect. so sorry guys.
on the girl front, i have nothing to say. no one likes me at all as far as im concerned, and frankely, i dont really like anyone much either. but the oddest part, im not too sad about it for once. yay! ohh, just kidding i do have one thig to say. so i was at kristins cabin, looking through my phonebook and saw a "sydney" and i had NO clue who that was. so i texted them, sayin hi sydney, i dunno who you are but your in my phonebook. haha. and she said she didnt know who i was either. she goes to highland, and we met somehow through jon cannon. i texted him, and he remembers giving me her number even tho i dont. so we have talkin, and its all leding up to an epic fencing duel that we are going to have, and that it may be a surprise attack, as i dont know what she looks like and she does know what i look like. haha. so its been fun talkin to her, and soon she is going to hang out with us, and play nine square or something! so fun! haha. so thats pretty much all that has happend in my life the last little while.
so i was crabby yesterday. i dunno why, it just was not a good day. the highlight was probably watching hana fail at spraypainting her shirt in the walmart parkinglot. haha. but i have been generally happy the last little while, but yesterday....yesterday was just bad. i wasnt like openly crabby, i was just really reserved and kinda too myself, reveling in my thoughts and stuff. and then no one was responding to my texts, which made me more crabby. but today i am much happier! all because i listened to a goo goo doll song...haha.
ok, halfway through that last paragraph, i had somthing inportant that i needed to blog about. but i cant remember it. this makes me angry. and i keep getting little blurbs of understanding, and then it goes away again. i dunno, ill keep ya updated. and, yes, i am random. hence, llamas.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Do it, you know you wanna :)
1. Add a comment on my blog and leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot just do anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you.
It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.
im serious. and sorry for being super lame lately and not really updating my blog, but hey, my life is pretty boring. well, not really, but i have been outta town alot. but really do this! it will be cool! and it will give me a clue as to how many people read my blog! haha, ok well cool beans!
Now playing: Jason Mraz - I'm Yours
via FoxyTunes
Monday, July 28, 2008
The Sword of Truth
all i have to say is, OH MY GOSH! i cant belive this is actually happening. they have been talking about it for quite some time, and it is actually going to happen. on Nov. 1st. and lets just say, i am looking EXTREAMLY doubtful on this whole thing. some things it looked like they got right, but most wrong. kahlan is not very attractive. richard is WAY too small. zedd looked good, but a little too creepy. chase will be good. darken rahl will be epic. but i dunno guys, i just dunno. for those who havent guessed by now, im talking about my favorite things of all time, my heroes, my life blood, what batman is to anthony, this is to me. thats right, Terry Goodkinds Sword of Truth book series. my favorite books of all time, i love them to DEATH! and they are actually making it a tv series. first off, it wont be cliff hanger like the books are, he said each episode will have a set begginging and end, so that new comers can start in the middle. well thats a DUMB idea for all us loyal fans. but they say that it will be really strict to the story line, and terry goodkind is overseeing that himself. so we can only hope. oh, and the first season will not be called "wizards first rule", but will be called "the legend of the seeker", as to pukt the focus on the characters and plot, not just the first book. and who knows, maybe this series will prove the wizards first rule, people are STUPID! well, here is the trailer.
Now playing: Miley Cyrus - These Four Walls
via FoxyTunes
Friday, July 4, 2008
Fireworks, Concerts, and Pam!
so i dunno where to begin, its been so long. ill just give you a brief little overview. so today is the 4th of july, and we went to highlands practice field to watch the fireworks that were pretty much right above us. it was freakin awesome! so we watched those as we got pieces of flaming shells falling all around and on us. it was pretty cool. anyways, the last few weeks have been pretty uneventful. just working every once and awhile. wait, just kidding. i went to bear lake a few times, which was amazing! jeez i love it up there! and then just last weekend i pretty much went to the best concerts of all time. on june 27th i went to the tim mcgraw concert at usana ampetheater and it was amazing!! so halfway to hazard and jason aldean opened up, and i really love both of them. but right before halfway to hazard came on stage they came on the speakers and said to text something to a number for a chance to win backstage passes to go and meet halfway to hazard and what do you know, a few minitues later i got a text saying i had won, and that i need to call their tour manager and have him take me backstage! it was awsome! so right after jason aldean was done, me and heather went backstage and met them! it was so awsome! so then we went back to our seats and then it was just in time for mr tim mcgraw himself to grace the stage! it was so good. i have always dreamed of going to a tim mcgraw concert and i finally did! what joy! anyways, then last monday, the 30th, we went to the spill canvas concert. my other favorite band. and btw, i was OBSESSED with them waay before all over you
concert! was on the radio. years before that. i have loved them forever. anyways, we got there and it was already like a sauna in there. so hot. but there were 3 opening bands! which was cool, but i really just wanted to see the spill canvas! but the first band was Mury, who was quite good. second up was Liam and Me, who i am now pretty much addicted to. they were soo amazing! and then steel train was up, who was a pretty solid mediocre. i wasnt the biggest fan, but they were ok. finally spill canvas came on and i have never been so happy. i had almost no voice after that after they played "all hail the heartbreaker" and "lust a prime vista" i was just in heaven. such a great concert! btw, if any one wants to ask me anything, just leave a comment...or text me or something. im a pretty darn open guy. sorry that was random, it just kinda popped into my head...anywho, and the video right below is called "Staplegunned", and it was the Encore at the Spill Canvas concert. its not the best video, but it was the only one short enough to upload...haha. so on to more interesting subjects...my life is pretty boring right now, im not going to lie. so i still really like julia, but nothing will happen with that. she still kinda ignores me alot and puts me on hold all the time. oh well, im just fine being friends with her! :) but i am kinda liking someone new, and for the time being this person will be reffered to as...Pam. and anthony, dont yell at me for not telling. i have good reason. anyways, i have no idea who pam likes, if anyone, but i do know that we are good friends and that i i really like her. i dont think she has the slightest clue i
like her, and i really want something to happen with her, but i dont think it will ever happen because she just thinks of us as really good friends. its really sad. oh well, we shall see how things work out...anywho. i also have a dilema. as we all know, the dark knight is coming out july 18th, and i am SUPER pumed for it! so so so excited!! but my scouts are having a freakin epic campout that same week up in jackson in an awsome cabin! we will be like be white water rafting, kayaking, mountain biking and such, which is all stuff i love! but its during the dark knight! so i dunno what to do! if i go on the campout, it will be weeks before i could get a ticket to dark knight, and i would not be with all of my friends. but if i do then i will miss out on one of the best camouts ever! sad panda. bah. i just dunno what to do. anyways, comment and tell me what to do. also random, but if you want to see my lifes goal, here it is.
beautiful. my heart beats a little faster when i see that...so ya. what else to write about....i dunno, i think i will just go to bed now...sleep tight and comment and what i told you to!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Old School
ok, due to popular demand (named anthony) here are all my previous posts:
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Oh wow, Sr. Prom!
so lets just say yesterday was an adventure...so to start things off, we woke up waay too early in the morning to go and hot air balloon in park city, but we werent actually able to go because it was too windy and stuff. so we ended up just going to ruths diner and having some very good breakfast. i then later picked up kenz and we went to our dinner at the capitol, which was also very good. then we went in and danced, and it was quite a good dance, except the lights were on, and as anthony said, was really strange...but anywho, it was good! then we went down to paintball addicts and had some crazy fights! it was so much fun! it was a very good night. but now for the real meat of this post. ok, so kenz kinda was...distracted to say the least the entire dance. she would go off on secretive little walks some of the girls, talking about channing or something. she had her back to me alot and would just flirt and talk to him. during the dance she wasnt by him all that much, but it was kinda funny, she would all the sudden stop dancing, look around intently for like 2 minitues, and when she found channing, would then continue dancing. anyways, but even with all that, yesterday was one good night! first off, julia was very attractive as usual, and would just randomly come up to me and say hi and talk and flirt and stuff. that was awsome. then when we were dancing at one point, jill came up to me and told me that julia wanted to do some summer date thing, and i have no idea what it is but oh boy did it make me happy. then she stole my aviators and just flirted a little more and it was way fun. not to say it all means anything, but man alive it made me happy. hahah. so that was way cool. and paintballing was one of the more fun things i have ever done! oh, and this morning, bekah texted me! that also made me quite the happy man. for those who dont know bekah, she was my 6th and 7th grade crush. big time. i thought, and still kinda do, that she was one of the most attractive people i had ever seen! so thats way cool. oh, and good news, graduate from seminary today! woot!
Posted by Brady at 1:52 PM 1 comments
Thursday, May 29, 2008
--The Begining--
ok, so i know that i have not been so good at this yet. this, my friends, is a beginning of a new day. i am going to make one heck of a post, that will delve deep into my life and give you some insight to me. this shall be great fun. any questions, you know how to ask. so, random, but i cleaned up my computer, and all of the sudden all of my music is missing. how do you misplace 40 gigs of music? anywho, oh well its all backed up. well to start things off, school is almost over. which makes me want to dance atop something high. but i will spare you from that image...haha and it also sucks. but thats another story for another day. second, i really want a new(er) motorcycle, one that im not scared to pull onto streets with. but my madre and padre dont want me to get a new one. bugger. haha. then comes the subject that i just know you all have been dying to hear about. the ladies. well. lets just say once i turned 16 i promised myself that i would get my first kiss before graduation. well, thats just a few days away, and i still got nothing...oh so sad. i mean, who could resist me?! well apparently alot of people. sad panda. as we all know the whole jocelyn stuff was so not cool, i got over her but i still have a tiny piece inside of me that still desperately wants something with her, but i just know that after everything that wont happen which is a bummer. why is it that every girl i like says that they dont want to have any sort of relationship in high school, and literally the next week have a boyfriend? thats pretty lame i must say. lets expound on that. i mean, jocelyn thought for weeks on if she wanted something, and she finnaly just came out and said no, and that the main reason was that she didnt want any realationship in high school, she had been pretty firm on that idea for quite sometime. and so that made me sad. and then there was that infamous day, that day at temple square. oh what a good day, and we both kinda felt that way. she said that she "might have second thoughts on her answer" and that while we were there, she said that it just kinda felt right, and that she kinda felt like we should be together. and all the girls said that she shouldnt do it, not to be in a relationship in highschool. so she didnt. and so obviously that gave me super high hopes and then destroyed them into absolute oblivion. and then literally, no exaggeration, she was together with alec about 8 days later. i dont think i need to tell you how absolutly lame and hurtful that was. bah. BAH! oh well. so anywho, i do like some people, both are not lookin so hopeful... first, i like rafiki. if you dont know who rafiki is, oh well. i have liked her for a few weeks now, and for a few days it had looked kinda hopeful, but now that i learn more it isnt really hopeful at all. she likes 3 different people, none of which are me. sad-er panda. then the one person that i like the most, well, that just wont happen as things stand. i really am starting to like the most attractive girl in all of the world, second only to brittany snow. thats right folks, the only and only julia dahdah. i like her alot. right after the dance i was kinda partial, not sure if i liked her all that much. but now that she really knows who i am and will talk to me all the time at school and stuff, i really like her. alot. and sometimes some of the things that she says to me and the way that she acts makes me sometimes makes me think that she likes me at least a little. but lets just say i have a nasty habit of thinking people like me when they just flirt a little or something. and then on the other hand sometimes she will say or do things that make me think that she absolutly is disgusted by me. so that is a total bummer. so she is pretty much my main crush, and one that i think is stickin around for awhile. i mean, she is so fun and open and all sorts of things, im amazed that she doesnt have to carry around a bat to beat off all the guys with...anywho so thats the latest on all that. it just really sucks not to have someone that feels that way about you also, i mean, all our friends pretty much do and so all the things we ever do are things where everyone couples off and the rest of us wanna go off and ralph in the bushes...its like hey, lets go hiking! well ok, that sounds fun! oh, wait, being on the top of a mountain with all these couples getting all friendly with each other....ya, not sounding all that fun anymore. so ill just ya know, sit around with the like 3 other people that arent coupled off. jeez its so dumb. people should be gross when they are alone, if they wanna hang out in a group i would think that they can stay off each other for just a few hours.. (cough rosie taylor cough cough). not to mention a few others. anywho, enough of all that schpeil. but really, i like julia so much. just incase you missed the last 40 lines or so...well this has been a good post. i enjoyed that. more to come later! ill try and post daily, and a good one like this once a week or more...cool beans.
Posted by Brady at 8:01 PM 4 comments
Now playing: Cute is What We Aim for - Teasing to Please (Left Side, Strong Side)
via FoxyTunes
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
The Rune...
Ok, so today started bad. i thought it was a b day today. it sure wasnt. so that was a pretty nasty surprise, but hey, it was toga day which is a day i have been waiting for since freshman year...but other than that it was a pretty good day i guess! so once i fugure out this whole blog thing i will for sure start to write more interesting things and delve into my life, but for now i am just keeping it simple. but i got to work and i was just kinda sitting there, and then it pulled up. a brand new honda rune motorcycle. they only made 1000. and that particulare type they only made 5 of. i almost soiled my pants when i saw it. man it was gorgeous. and i just realized that we have not planned any of the dance at all. that is not cool at all, and i really want this dance to be a good one! its kinda inportant to me....anywho, sorry to bore you, i swear that i will write more interesting things soon, and it also does not help that i am at work currently, so i also have to answer the phone and help whining customers while typing...
Monday, May 26, 2008
Today, is a new day!!
as this is my first blog post, its probably going to be pretty darn lame. but we will see. so currently i am supposed to be cleaning my room, got distracted and decided to make a blog. woah excitement. anywho, just got back from cali a few days ago, and lemme say, that was quite awsome, but not having anthony (either of them) was very lame. and while there, i didnt even get to visit jacob! oh well, some other time. so it was a great trip, despite a few lame things that happened, and maybe if you readers will be good, then i will even delve into that! haha. well its been fun!