Monday, March 23, 2009

Little Plastic People

ok, so i am really bad at blogging.


so, i wanted to write like twice a week.

i havent.


haha, ok but i really wanna try harder before my mission.

anywho, right now i am in Albany new york, with my sister, bro in law, and nephew! mason, my nephew, is pretty much the cutest little thing ever. oh my, he has bright red hair, and is obsessed with balls and cars. he loves to throw balls across the room and it is the cutest thing!

so on saturday, we hit up the Hill Cumorah, the Palmyra Temple, and the Sacred Grove! it was so incredible! i loved it! so much! i am going to put up some pictures a little later, but they are going to be on my other blog which i created awhile ago but i havent really told anyone about. so it is and i am just going to post some pictures that i take! so check it out and follow it!

so this weekend, i have taken so many pictures in new york! i have filled up 2 2gig memory cards, and 1 4gig card! granted, every picture i took saved a jpeg and a raw file, so that took up a TON of memory, but it will be worth it! raw is so much better!

so, if for some reason you dont know, my mission farewell is April 19th, at the church by clayton. it is like 1500 s and 1900 e or something like that....its big and white. haha

so i need something fun to talk about. because lets face it, my blog is not all that exciting (except that its MINE, and i am pretty darn special!) i mean, annie talks about some seriously random things, and i ALWAYS read it with a huge smile and it is just so entertaining. mine is being lame. haha

oh, and if you see alex at all, give her a hug. i think she needs one.

oh, and do any of you readers have a problem seeing my layout, the sad fish? my sisters computer doesnt like it so much and it has all these weird things at the top....lemme know and i will change it if its like that for alot of you.

well, until next time!



Kevin said...

Why not just shoot in RAW? Then you only get jpegs for the images you want...

Unknown said...

what do you mean? there is a setting that is RAW+JPEG. because i like raw if i want to edit it heavily, if im just doing minor things to it, jpeg is good because its so much smaller and easier to work with. this way i can choose later what i want to do with them

Annika said...

Yay! I like it when people like my blog! You my friend just need to write more. For the record though, Philip (my computer) likes your fishy just fine and so do I.