Monday, November 2, 2009

Purple Puppies Parachute Past Pumpkin Patches.

ok guys

i have a story to tell you

a sad story

but sad like tears

sad like "man, brady is sorta kinda a little pathetic" kind of sad.

so many of you should quite enjoy this!

so, this story begins awhile ago. i dont remember when. well i do, but im not going to tell you. it would give it all away

anywho, so back a ways

i was a happy lil camper, i was single (and i have only been single. ever. haha) , and was hangin out will all sorts of people, mostly ones i had not really hung out with much at all! good times. i love getting to know people better, tis wonderful.

so anyways, there was a certain somone there who i knew pretty well but only really saw at school and outside school on rare occasions, and she has always been extreamly attractive.

for reals

here is the sad part.

i have liked her a fair amount since that point. like....a year ago or something.

and i am being a lame little boy. and not doing anything about it.

so ya. sad. cuz im lame.


anywho, on another note, i have another story to tell.

so tonight i went out on my first discussion with the missionaries (i got called as a ward missionary until i leave on my actual mission) and this family is set to be baptized on the 14 of november, which is just wonderful! and we went over and gave them a lesson on quitting smoking and gave them 15 steps to stop smoking in 7 days, and man.
it was honestly one of the most spiritual moments i have had in ages! the faith and hope this couple had was just astounding, they have been going though some hard times and just how they keep on trekin' and have so much faith in the church and in the missionaries, i just love it! it was amazing, and it just made me realize that soon, i will be out there, bringing all that joy to other people! i cant even wait! i mean, i am just to happy right now, and i cant wait to bring all that happiness and more to others who just dont know of it yet! i seriously cant wait to leave on my mission!

last but not least, taylor swifts new songs = love.


ok, well thats all for now!
- ydarb


Julie Hunter said...

Brady, didn't know you were a blogger. love it! now i am a stalkower. . .