Sunday, October 4, 2009

Not a Monster?

so guys, good news

i changed my blogger template

what do ya think?

im pretty darn sure that it is pretty legit!

hahahaha oh my i love it soooo much, it took me like an hour to find the perfect one!

so bad news though.

anthony is gone!

yes kids, he finally left on his mission, and now i am all alone!
i still have alex on very rare occasions
and soon i hope i will start hangin out with selja!
because apperently her friends are also kinda lame and ignore her?
which blows my mind.
who would not wanna chill with her?! she seriously is so fun
and not fake. i dont like fake people

so i have a few stories for the world, but they can wait till tommorow.
because i need to go to bed.
really bad.




April said...

I would love some stories! have you looked at my blog lately?

Jaron said...

Lovin' the new layout!